
HowtocreateafolderoniPhone:·DownloadDocumentsforfreeandopentheapp.·Tapthepurpleplusbuttonatthebottom.·SelectCreateFolder.,2022年9月2日—NavigatetotheHomeScreenpagecontainingthefolderyouplantodelete.Tapthefolder.Dragalloftheappsoutofthefolder.,2023年1月12日—Pressandholddownoneoftheappsyouwanttogroupwithanotheranddragituntilit'shoveringovertheotherone.Also:Tipsand ...,2022年11月2日—1.Tocreateafol...

How to create a folder on iPhone in just 2 taps

How to create a folder on iPhone: · Download Documents for free and open the app. · Tap the purple plus button at the bottom. · Select Create Folder.

How to make a folder on iPhone

2022年9月2日 — Navigate to the Home Screen page containing the folder you plan to delete. Tap the folder. Drag all of the apps out of the folder.

How to make folders on an iPhone

2023年1月12日 — Press and hold down one of the apps you want to group with another and drag it until it's hovering over the other one. Also: Tips and ...

How to Make Folders on iPhone to Organize Your Apps

2022年11月2日 — 1. To create a folder, press and hold the icon of the app you would like to move into a folder, then tap Edit Home Screen in the pop-up menu.

How to organize apps on iPhone with folders

2023年7月3日 — Learn how to create a folder on your iPhone and easily organize your apps by dragging and dropping them into folders.

iPhone Folders

iPhone Folders is a Windows Explorer extension that allows you to browse contents of your iPhone or iPod Touch like a regular removable drive.

Organize your apps in folders on iPhone

On iPhone, create folders and organize your apps into folders to make them easier to find on your Home Screen.